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Designation What is Property Insurance?

Property insurance

When buying apartments are increasingly raises the question of insurance of their property. Need it or not? And how much will it cost? And do not deceive me?

As a rule, the owner is not insured their property, the matter will be resolved positively, if you do not have any problem, whether it be fire, flood or theft ... But then it was too late.

Voluntary property insurance has become a very popular service. Indeed, those who have something to lose, I want to know how you can save money if something happens to his property.

It is clear that in case of damage or complete destruction of your apartment or house, insurance, guarantees you some financial compensation. In the field of insurance of housing identified the main risks: natural disasters, bays, fire. The approximate size of the amount of insurance - 0.3% -0.8% of the value of houses and apartments.

Another reason for his property - the view that insurance is too expensive. It's all relative. If you put a scale of about 1% of the sum insured (average base rate of insurance), and the other - the full cost of the apartment burned down, or the same amount of money spent on the purchase of steel doors and bars on the windows, surveillance cameras ... and nerves, the sleepless nights.

An important factor in determining the cost of insurance - a place in your house, apartment, in the presence or absence of their design elements from the timber. The presence or absence in the house or apartment fire alarms, fire fighting equipment, preventive maintenance, and other systems of active and passive fire protection also affects the amount of insurance premiums. Separately, you can insure your apartment or house, finish (plaster and paint the walls of plastic and wood and other materials, windows, doors), engineering equipment (plumbing, air conditioning).
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